Sunday, September 30, 2012

Candy Carbs

Well we all know that Halloween and Trick-or-Treating is coming up at the end of October!  Unfortunately those of us who go out that night wind up with so many treats in our buckets, bags, or whatever we take.  Years ago I received a list of carbohydrates for candy that's given out.  I will be putting up a page for the next couple months here (I might even just keep it as part of the site).  This way, when your counting carbs at a meal, you can count carbs for that little extra piece of chocolate you got.  Just don't go overboard with it!

Friday, September 28, 2012


Welcome everyone to Diabetes 101!  It is here that I help to encourage others with type 1 diabetes and give advice on how to live better as a diabetic.  I will be putting up a couple of different pages, not really 100% sure on what yet but one will be about foods that I think offer good benefits over other foods.  I hope everyone enjoys and I'll be sure to continue updating the page as I have time!